Friday, January 9, 2009


Well, again the photos are in reverse order, but I guess it doesn't matter! We had a view of the park from the front door of our room at the resort. This is the huge and beautiful Josone Park with the huge ficus trees and beautiful trees of all sorts. When you walk into the park there is a mechanical bull to ride (don't ask me why...), and some live camels to ride (again, I don't know) and then a few different restaurants and a water-side bar. As you can see there is a lake and pedal boats to ride. On the other side of the bridge there are birds and fowl freely moving around. I was trying to get some pictures of them but they kept running away, so a bartender came out and threw some rice or grain or breadcrumbs to eat, and then I was able to snap some pics! Further into the park are some wide open spaces and a wonderful tree-lined driving lane. Beside the lane is a covered bbq area and there was a celebration of some sort happening while we were there, of course with the requisite salsa music and dancing! Then we found a great little place to read, with the ocean behind us. Finally we started to make our way out of the park and came across a few beautiful roosters. Oh, and remember those horse-drawn carriages that take tourists around the town? They also go through the park. You really get a bang for your buck with those tours: 10 pesos per person for over an hour. But it was always happy hour: 15 pesos for 2 people! Haha! All the drivers thought that was such an original sales spin! We must have heard that 3 times...

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